Become Our Partner渠道
We have 2 kinds of Channels: Country Manager and City Partner

We did not have the standard charges for those 2 channels, it is all depends on the country size and working effort to develop the members.

Country Manager is the exclusive channel management of this country or region, responsible for the development of this country's sales oriented forwarding agent to join the global platform of Silkwayer. At the same time, Country Manager automatically defaults to VIP member, which is in the top position in the “Members Directory” and “My Network”, convenient for global sales oriented forwarding agent query and use. At the same time, the Country Manager develops a new local sales oriented forwarding agent to join the platform, which can share 40% of the membership fee. The Country Manager has the right to develop city partner to join the Silkwayer platform. The fees of the city partner are charged according to the senior members fee. The Country Manager can get 40% of the share. At the same time, if the city partner develops an sales oriented forwarding agent, the Country Manager can also get 10% of the share of the membership fee.
Since the Country Manager automatically defaults to a VIP member, it will be displayed at the top of the Members and My Network.

City Partner is the exclusive channel management of this city or region, responsible for the development of this city's sales oriented forwarding agent to join the global platform of Silkwayer. At the same time, City Partner automatically defaults to Senior member, which is in the top position in the “Members Directory” and “My Network”, convenient for global sales oriented forwarding agent query and use. membership fee.